Why Draw?
"When my daughter was about seven years old, she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at the college, that my job was to teach people how to draw. She stared back at me, incredulous, and said, 'You mean they forget?'"
-Howard Ikemoto
"Art is the imagination expressed through the senses."
- Unknown
"A man paints with his brains and not with his hands."
“From this, the treasure secretly gathered in your heart will become evident through your creative work”
-Albrecht Durer
"Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth."
“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”
“Drawing is putting a line around an idea.”
-Henri Matisse
“When I eat a tomato I look at it the way anyone else would. But when I paint a tomato, then I see it differently.”
-Henri Matisse
‘What is art but a way of seeing?’
Drawing to Learn
Drawing on the Right side of the Brain
Learning to SEE as an artist does
In a society that needs self-motivated decision makers, their students will grow up to suffer "learned helplessness". Good lesson limitations require individual learning of new skills, compositional and content choice making, challenging thinking tasks, and prohibition of stereotyping and prejudices. See this link for more ideas on making it harder for the left brain to prevent the education of the right brain.
The shift from left mode to right mode
Drawing to enhance your Creative Right Brain thinking
When do you do your most creative thinking? Is when you are jogging, walking, reading, driving on the highway?
Drawing Instruction
Drawing comes from some Magical Ability vs. Drawing is a learnable Teachable skill
People feel they shouldn’t take a drawing course because they don't already know how to draw…. should you take a French class if you don’t know how to speak French or a carpentry class if you don’t know how to build a house?
Hands: If your handwriting is readable and you can print legibly you have ample dexterity to draw well
Eyes: processing visual information, using your brain in a different way than you ordinarily use it.
Brain: Access the right brain in order to experience a slightly altered mode of awareness (altered state), a pleasurable almost mystical activation of the mind; to see things in a different way
Drawing is a means to an end, you will learn to see differently and awaken your eye to the language of Forms and express yourself in that language (Rodin)
You will delve into a part of your mind too often obscured by endless details of life.
Through drawing YOU are made visible
In my Drawing Course I will set up conditions to help you make the mental shift, once it is familiar to you, you will be able to consciously control the mental shift